Reduce the Risk of Gingivitis with Vitamin C
In your quest to protect your child’s smile, it is important to think beyond the toothbrush. Oral health conditions such as gingivitis can often be linked to poor nutrition or unbalanced eating habits. That’s why each time that you visit your pediatric dentist in Charlotte, a portion of the discussion may be devoted to your family’s eating patterns. The meals and snacks that your children (and you!) consume can have lots to do with the state of your oral health.
When the body lacks the proper levels of vitamin C, there is an increased risk for inflammatory problems like bleeding gums and gingivitis. Vitamin C is also essential for helping the body to perform maintenance and repairs to the cartilage, teeth, and bones. It is also helpful in promoting healing after a wound or injury.
If you have noticed that your child’s gums appear to be bright red or bleeding gums, despite your brushing and flossing efforts, the problem could indeed be related to diet and nutrition. Try offering your family a wider variety of foods that are rich in Vitamin C. Also, remember that consuming this particular vitamin from whole foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, or oranges is the healthiest solution. Fortified fruit juices tend to include added sugars are generally more acidic, increasing the risk for cavities and enamel erosion.
Your family’s Vitamin C intake should be monitored regularly. This nutrient is not stored in the body for very long, so it should be consumed on a daily basis if possible. Supplements and multi-vitamins can be helpful for especially picky eaters, or for anyone whose diet has been restricted by an illness or other health problems. As a general guideline, the Institute of Medicine recommends that children consume approximately 75 milligrams of Vitamin C (also known as Ascorbic acid) per day.
For more information on the connection between nutrition and oral health, contact your Charlotte pediatric dentist for an appointment today.